Betel Inazawa Nucleus Anniversary
We are grateful to God for the privilege of being part of this beloved Nucleus.
So far the Lord has helped us. It was a wonderful cult! Where God has been ministering to our heart throughout the entire program.
To Him be given all Honor, Glory and Praise! Our gratitude to our dear and beloved brothers (Patrick de Iga, Valmir, Elina and Walter de Suzuka who helped us with the praise and sound, the Suzuka dance team under the coordination of our dear Pastor Oscar, and also to our dear pastor Luciano de Iga na Pregação), To the brothers of Inazawa for their dedication, help and cooperation for this event to take place and also to all visitors. May God always continue to use this work for His glory and praise.
Bethel Suzuka Baptism
Baptism of the Betel Suzuka Evangelical Church July/2022
It was a blessed day, in a perfect location, with the beloved Church. To carry out the Baptism of our beloved brothers (Jean Lucas, Hugo, Samuel, Dayron, Alejandro, Maisa, Sofia and Glória) together with Pastors Diogo and Oscar. To the Lord be all Honor, Glory and Praise for ever and ever. Amen!
Workshop: Emotional Impact
Theme: Overcoming the leader's mental health care taboo.
Part 1 – Pastor and Psychologist: Carlos Eliseu
Part 2 – Psychologist Simone Romeiro
Part 3 – Psychologist Marilene Souza
Part 4 – Pastor and Psychologist José Alcione
General Meeting
Meeting held on the 06/05/2022th between pastors and leaders of every institution.